diabetes center foot group
Experts in foot care to prevent amputations, this New York-based team collaborates with branches of the Belize Diabetes Association and works in partnership with the Belize Ministry of Health and Belize Nursing Council. Together they emphasize providing training for the next generation of diabetes caregivers in their home countries. Learn more about their work in Belize and across the Caribbean.
“Good cereal” initiative
A Garifuna farming cooperative in southern Belize is working to jump start their healthy cereal project, in hopes of adding more local options for homegrown nutrition and support the next generation of farmers. They’ve now been fundraising for many years to buy this processing machine from Guatemala, in hopes of scaling up their small business. Learn more about their work or contribute toward the machine here.
Prosthetic hope international
Currently the only prosthetic limb clinic in Belize, Project Hope International is working hard to keep up with the growing numbers of amputations. They welcome contributions toward making new limbs. Read more on their website. They also accept hardware at ADDRESS (co-founder Rob Kistenburg notes: please don’t send anything that you wouldn’t wear yourself or give to your own mother).
Belize Diabetes Association
Insulin for life
Insulin for Life works with the Belize Diabetes Association, acquiring contributions of insulin and related diabetes technologies, and transporting them to diabetes care centers across the world. They focus on supporting hospital systems, community organizations, and households with a family member managing Type 1. The group accepts in-date insulin and glucose meter test strips by mail, following these donation packing directions.